Adolescents, social networks and suicide: what do we have to do with it?

The turbulent life makes parents increasingly distance themselves from the dialogue with their children. Parents often attribute to the school the mission of educating their children, especially after childhood, as if in adolescence the children did not need assistance and monitoring. Adolescents have found less and less space for dialogue, including within the family and […]

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Psychological Factors of Cellular Dependence

The excessive use of cell phones has increased a lot, especially among children and teenagers. Some factors aggravate this increase, such as the lack of parental control over the content accessed on the cell phone, the difficulty of the young person to understand the limit of use in a healthy way. Excessive use of cell […]

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Pathological love

Is it possible to get sick of love? Pathological love is characterized by care aimed at the partner in an uncontrolled way, becoming a priority for the person in relation to other interests previously valued by them. This condition can be associated with depressive and anxiety symptoms, it can occur in isolation in people with […]

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Personal Coaching

Through Coaching we are able to establish a method for you to achieve your goals, our focus here is to make you develop skills, discipline and consistency in the pursuit of your goal.Nam auctor lobortis ex eget rhoncus. Curabitur non tortor ipsum. Sed euismod enim semper odio rhoncus luctus. Nam nulla felis, convallis quis interdum […]

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Clinical Hypnosis

Clinical Hypnosis is a therapeutic tool with extensive scientific support, through Neurolinguistic Programming techniques associated with Clinical Hypnosis we treat emotional issues effectively and with a short treatment time.Sed sit amet mauris hendrerit, ultrices nulla et, congue leo. Morbi bibendum scelerisque dui sed luctus. Vestibulum hendrerit id mi vel tempor. Suspendisse quis purus sit amet […]

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